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December 2022
SWING NIGHT on the Sunny Side of the Street
SWING NIGHT | on the SUNNYSIDE of the STREET SATURDAY DECEMBER 3, 2022 LOCATION: 106-11 Jamaica Ave, Richmond Hill, NY 11418, United States Dancing lesson 6:45 with team lindyland open to all levels large wood dance floor Live music 8:00 -1100 Nick Palumbo and this Napoli 5 DJ Ron in music breaks. Refreshments and snacks available come one, come all , learn to dance, beginners warm welcome, no partner necessary ,just bring your significant smile! meet new people, have fun…
Find out more »February 2023
SWNG NIGHT On The Sunny Side | Queens
Lindyland & Vintage Dance presents: SWING NIGHT on the SUNNY SIDE of the street. Date: FRI DEC 23, 2022 DANCE LESSON 7:15 with Team LINDYLAND (open to all levels) LIVE MUSIC 8:00 -11:00PM BAND: NICK PALUMBO and his NAPOLI 5 LOCATION: 106-11 Jamaica Ave, Richmond Hill, NY 11418, United States Refreshments and snacks available come one come all, learn to dance beginners warm welcome, no partner necessary, just bring your significant smile! meet new people, have fun, get healthy.
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