Contracts below are signed and valid agreements that are being violated each and every event that Spencer is hosting. From the dance parties to the workshops to the outdoor gatherings, these are ALL in violation of our agreements.

Trademark & Copyright

All logos and materials included in this website including these Terms and Conditions are bound by copyright and trademark laws and cannot be used or copied. They are the property of Jumpin Entertainment LLC and Studiopaolo Design and nobody else.

DEC 10 2021 LETTER

This was PAOLO’s early attempts to stop SPENCER from violating our contracts and preventing further betrayal and damage to the SWING REMIX brand. Spencer had already stolen the SWING REMIX FACEBOOK page and began using it independently (against our agreements and contracts). This letter is the first of several attempts to cool the hysteria that had become common place during the lock downs and mandates in NYC. 


This was PAOLO’s first public letter that was released in the Swing Remix newsletter of which Paolo controlled and ran for 15 years. This was the first time PAOLO had to make internal disagreements public due to the depth of the issues and the blatant violations of his rights and his intellectual property that was being used without his approval. Click photo to right to see the letter. 


This despicable posting was full lies and malicious gossip in an effort to paint the founder and creator of the Swing Remix Brand (PAOLO) in bad light so that partner (Spencer) could justify his unscrupulous theft of the Swing Remix Brand Facebook Page and use it independently without the approval nor permission of it’s creator and owner.

Here is a screenshot and PDF of that posting. 100% of this post is simply malicious gossip. At the time, yes, there were many people that took it upon themselves to monitor and call out our citizens for not following unconstitutional and illegal mandates. But regardless, this post basically shamed with absolutely no evidence of any law being broken. More so, these words according to my lawyer are liable!

For example:

  1. Accusations of “A FIRING of PAOLO from You Should Be Dancing”  AN ABSOLUTE LIE. PAOLO was simply a contractor there and made a conscious decision to not return to the studio due to their very public policies of segregating their audience based on medical decisions. This was a silent protest to a policy that was wrong and unconstitutional.
  2. Accusations of “being discriminated against like the Jews in the holocaust” COMPLETELY MISCONSTRUING a CONVERSATION that simply stated the following:
  3. During the Holocaust, “Jews were required to carry around papers stating they were Jewish”. This was a despicable, intrusive and a violation of their privacy and their autonomy as human beings.”. I was simply comparing that moment to the “illegal mandate that popped up in NYC and some cities around the county, requiring showing paperwork of one’s status of an experimental medical intervention”. Both of these actions brought on by a corrupt government.
  4. Accusations of “Letting them believe he was vaccinated” in regards to (The Northeaster Towers, which is a public residence) AGAIN A COMPLETELY FABRICATED LIE
  5. Attempts to coerce an individual to take an experimental drug with no evidence of efficacy and safety is a violation of the Nuremburg Code of Ethics. It’s abundantly clear in this post that SPENCER was attempting to manipulate, coerce and bully PAOLO into taking an experimental drug during this challenging and shameful period in our American History. We’ve since learned of the immense damage (from deaths to permanent debilitating side effects) that have plagued 10s of millions worldwide due to these experimental shots.
  6. The Nuremburg Code  “established a new standard of ethical medical behavior for the post World War II human rights era. Amongst other requirements, this document enunciates the requirement of voluntary informed consent of the human subject. The principle of voluntary informed consent protects the right of the individual to control his own body.”



This despicable and offensive letter made it to the desk of PAOLO in AUGUST of 2022. This Cease & Desist was a COMPLETELY FRAUDULENT use of the LEGAL SYSTEM. This was SPENCER’S ATTEMPT at STEALING and HIJACKING the SWING REMIX brand that was created by PAOLO in 2007. The attorney listed at the top of the letter was not informed of the history of this brand and it’s creator at the time of this filing. The ATTORNEY for PAOLO send this attorney multiple letters explaining that this was fraudulent and inadmissible.



This despicable and offensive letter made it clear that SPENCER wanted an apology for all his malicious gossip. So in other words PAOLO was being asked to apologize for the lies and deceptive malicious gossip that SPENCER was spewing to the public about PAOLO’s behaviors. The funny thing is that PAOLO was making conscious decisions to stay away from all events that were segregating their attendees. That was his form of protest to national narratives and local mandates that were unconstitutional and flew in the face of the Nuremburg Treaty (CODE). 



This letter sent from SPENCER on APRIL 7th to the owners of the DANZNIK studios that were hosting PAOLO’s classes and parties demonstrates the level and extent that SPENCER was trying to go to prevent PAOLO from using the brand he built and created. This is a total and absolute violation of PAOLO’s rights at the founder, creator and developer of the SWING REMIX brand. His attorney copied in this letter was not made aware of the history of the SWING REMIX brand at the time of this letter. Our attorneys reached out to him to explain that his CEASE & DESIST was completely invalid and a violation of PAOLO’s copyrights.